It is a big data analysis solution that can analyze large and complex text data.

Big data analysis solution, TEXTOM

When you want to quickly identify keywords among the mountain of inquiries
When you want to see the trends in a specific field
When you want to find a quiet place away from the crowded summer vacation spots
When you want to know the latest trends with SNS data
When you are fed up with writing a paper based on a questionnaire
Coding is difficult, but when you want to analyze data

We provide web services that can easily process unstructured big data from data collection to refinement, matrix, sentiment analysis, and visualization using our own crawling technology and natural language processing technology.
TEXTOM collects data from portal sites, SNS and various media. You can also analyze the data you have. You can request the collection channel you want.
Multilingual analysis is possible by applying morphological analyzers in Korean, English and Chinese.
TEXTOM provides highly compatible data for in-depth analysis in connection with various statistical analysis programs.
The results can be expressed in various types of charts such as the amount of collection, word frequency, N-gram, Topic Modeling and named entity recognition.

Data Collection

You can select various collection channels to suit your taste. If there is no channel you want, you can collect it according to the desired data format through the ‘User Request Channel’ service.

네이버 다음 구글 유튜브 바이두
News media
조선일보 동아일보 중앙 kbs mbc ytn And other 13 news media
바이두 시나웨이보 위챗 인민일보 cnki 구글
User own data
txt file, pdf file, Excel file
User Request Channel
It can be collected to match the desired data format.  *Charged service

Data Preprocessing

TEXTOM provides detailed preprocessing settings to create refined data suitable for user analysis purposes. It is possible to select the analysis language of Korea, English and Chinese, and it can improve the accuracy of the result by secondary refinement with the data editing function.

데이터정제 : 분석언어, 상세분석, 2차정제
데이터정제 : 분석언어, 상세분석, 2차정제

Data Analysis

TEXTOM provides various results required for text mining analysis, such as matrix analysis, sentiment analysis and topic analysis.

Refined data Various results for text mining analysis, such as word frequency, N-gram, TF-IDF, are automatically calculated.
Matrix TEXTOM provides highly compatible data for deep analysis in line with statistical analysis programs.
Sentiment Analysis TEXTOM provides sentiment analysis based on machine learning, using the Bayesian classifier, and it shows frequency analysis of positive/negative keywords in the document based on the sentiment dictionary.
Topic Analysis Topic analysis is a statistical model for discovering the ‘topic’ of a set of documents. You can discover the hidden semantics of the text body.

Main Visualization

TEXTOM displays and provides various visualization results

수집량 그래프

Collection graph

수집량 그래프

Ego network

수집량 그래프

Word cloud

수집량 그래프

N-gram network

수집량 그래프

Matrix chart

수집량 그래프

Topic modeling

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